CFBS NEWS BLANC-SABLON - MARCH 11, 2021 - Protect yourselves against fraud and spread awareness!
As March is Fraud Prevention Month, CPA Canada has released the results of its latest survey, which reveals the online security practices of Canadians, banking and consumer behavior, and fraudulent dating.
As more of our communications and interactions become virtual due to the ongoing pandemic, CPA Canada is stepping up efforts to educate Canadians on how to better protect themselves against fraud by sharing key tips on how to avoid falling victim to online fraud, identity theft and financial schemes.
Canadians cannot afford to let their guard down when it comes to fraud, according to a new survey conducted for Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada).
Almost three-quarters (73%) of those surveyed replied that they had received fraudulent messages, and one-third (33%) had actually been victims of one or more types of fraud during their lifetime. is Fraud Prevention Month in Canada. And, good news, 62% of respondents are taking more precautions today than five years ago to ward off the tricks of scammers.
“Scammers are always finding new tricks to abuse people's trust and get their hands on personal information; vigilance is therefore required, ”said Doretta Thompson, head of financial literacy development at CPA Canada. “And as our business has been increasingly done online since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to be on guard and protect your confidential data. "
CFBS was speaking with David Malamed, a CPA expert in forensic accounting and fraud investigation, as well as Benoit Vachon, a CPA expert in personal finance, about the latest survey results and fraud awareness information.
Abbygail Wellman
CFBS Journalist